Thursday, April 17, 2008 

Ghost Writer Failure - When SEO Article Marketing Campaigns Fail To Work

Ghost writers fail rather often these days in fulfilling the expectations of their clients as their SEO marketing efforts using articles fail and the result is that hardly any traffic or links are generated.

Naturally the fact that some ghost writer's articles did not quite work out for your site, does NOT mean that SEO promotional articles are not the most viable and potent marketing weapon online. Actually you will never find a more powerful marketing tool online. Rather it usually means that the Ghost writer you entrusted with the task did one or two things wrong.

Let us take a close look at some of the common mistakes that lead to failure.

Ghost Writer SEO Marketing Lacks Keyword Focus
Many times I have personally found out that the reason is a failure to focus on a single keyword phrase only. Many clients who hire ghost writers insist on spreading their risk across many different keyword phrases. This is a big mistake. Have you ever tried to hit several birds flying the air with a single stone? It's just plain impossible.

When a ghost writer writes their articles and posts them both at their site and leading article directories, the success of their articles in generating traffic will rest heavily on their choice of keywords. If they "spread their risk" chances are that the campaign will fail where it would have yielded sensational results.

The golden rule which you ignore at your own peril is that your entire site or blog MUST focus on one single keyword phrase and the synonyms of that chosen keyword phrase ONLY. There are no exceptions to this rule.

Failure To Post SEO Marketing Articles In The Right Article Directories
The idea here is not to spam every article directory you can find with your SEO marketing articles. Rather you need to select a handful of specific article directories and if you chose wisely the viral effect will take over soon enough and your article will be re-posted all over the World Wide Web giving you a breathtaking amount of back links.

One of the most common reasons for failure of SEO marketing using articles is where the site is still too new to compete with keywords for search engine traffic and then the ghost writer fails to post the articles in the right article directories. Remember that when a site is new, traffic to the site will be best triggered off by articles in article directories ending up at the top of search engine results and therefore generating a sizeable amount of hits through the resource box at the bottom and links within the SEO ghost-written articles as well.

Discover the other reasons why ghost writers fail. You can also grab a free sample of my best selling e-book, Powerful SEO Article Writing Tips For Non-techies And Non-writers at my home business blog.
